December 19, 2009

White Dog waited in the car as we met Amy for dim sum brunch. She wasn't happy about being left behind but understands "silly" health department rules. As we chose morsels from the passing carts, we of course chatted about White Dog's Barkday event tomorrow. "That reminds me," Amy said. "I have a birthday gift for the Princess." "You can give it to her when we finish," replied Steve, "she is waiting out in the car." A short time later, the restaurant owner came over with a carry out box. He asked if the "birthday puppy" was the beautiful white dog in the car parked directly out front of his restaurant. We affirmed it was and that she will be five in just three days. The owner then said it would be his honor if we would allow him to give her a dim sum lunch to celebrate. He opened the box and it was stuffed with little delicious pork buns, and an eggroll, and potsticker, and sticky rice with a skewer of beef across the rice. Steve took the owner out to the car where White Dog was presented with this special treat. She thanked him graciously before she chowed into some of her favorite foods. Later, Amy stopped on her way back to her car for a pet and cuddle and to give White Dog a cool book of dogs photographed with their favorite toys.

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