December 11, 2009

White Dog directed the truck as the driver backed the trailer up our driveway and stopped next to the house. It was our solar panels and today the system was to be installed! Oddly enough, the day was rather overcast. White Dog watched in fascination as the workers assembled a ladder that reached to the roof and had a motorized elevator tray to lift the seventeen panels up to the site. She listened intently as the men walked across the roof and built the rail system which holds each panel in the proper place at the correct angle. Several times she and Steve walked around the house trying to get a view of our sun-catchers but they could only see a glimpse of them from the sidewalk at the front of the house. Finally Steve could stand it no longer and climbed to the roof where he could see the system and photograph it. White Dog and I peered over his shoulder to look at the image of bluish panels marching across our roof. Next week the city must approve the installation and after that the power company must certify it fit for operation...then we can jump into the future! Meanwhile, White Dog looks up at the roof each time she goes out frustrated that she can't do "paws" on quality control.

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