Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- December 18, 2009 (Evening Edition)

Iran Is Now Eclipsing The Arab-Israeli Conflict -- Michael J. Totten, Commentary Magazine

According to a new study of public opinion by the folks who host the Doha Debates in Qatar, a clear majority in 18 Arab countries now thinks Iran poses a greater threat to security in the Middle East than Israel. The leadership in most of these countries has thought so for years. That average citizens now do so should be encouraging news for everyone in the region — aside from the Iranian government, Hamas, and Hezbollah.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials

What I See on the Frontline in Iran -- H. Tabarzadi, Wall Street Journal

The world in 2025: Awash with weapons of mass destruction -- Amir Mizroch, Jerusalem Post

In Afghanistan, NATO is fighting for its life -- David Abshire, Christian Science Monitor

Mexico Takes Down a Drug Lord. But Will It Make Any Difference? -- Ioan Grillo, Time

India is a rising Superpower -- Jonathan Power, Jordan Times

Call Pakistan's Bluff -- G D Bakshi, Times of India

West African Curse Lives On -- Gwynne Dyer, Korea Times

Did America Lose Out on Iraq's Oil? -- Donald Snow, Atlantic Council

The $2 Trillion Man: How Obama saved Brand America.
-- Simon Anholt, Foreign Policy

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