Christmas Eve

For Christmas Eve we spent the evening with Josh's parents. Despite how many siblings Josh has (seven!) we were the only ones there. I told Josh he got his lifelong wish- to be an only child! (I was only joking, though. Josh is extremely close to all his siblings. And I don't think he has ever actually wanted to be an only child.)
On the road...


Snack at Grandma's- a banana. Jack's new thing is to eat bananas, but he always wants the peel. He eats like a big kid!

Meanwhile, Logan was eating Goldfish crackers. He decided to share with his brother.

Jack kept going to the gate and pointing to Wilbur, Grandma's cat, and signing "cat, cat, cat". Wilbur preferred to keep his distance.

He also did some casual reading. (I love how he's lounging on the couch!)

Logan played on this fun toy with Daddy.

And tried to get some of Grandma's books off her shelf.

I told him no, and he laughed like, "I wasn't really going to get them mom!"

They played with a new cash register Grandma got them with Papa. It was really cute. After playing and eating dinner the boys got to open their one Christmas Eve present. It was a huge red Radio Flyer wagon for the boys! We are super excited to use it this summer when we go camping.
Then we headed home to wait for Santa!