Afghanistan War News Updates -- December 26, 2009

Civilian, Military Planners Have Different Views On New Approach To Afghanistan -- Washington Post

Two days before announcing the deployment of additional U.S. troops to Afghanistan, President Obama informed Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal that he was not granting McChrystal's request to double the size of the Afghan army and police.

Cost was a factor, as were questions about whether the capacity exists to train 400,000 personnel. The president told McChrystal, the top commander of U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan, to focus for now on fielding a little more than half that number by next October.

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More News On Afghanistan

Taliban Release Video of Captive U.S. Soldier -- Voice of America
Taliban Display U.S. Captive -- Wall Street Journal
Family of US soldier captured in Afghanistan pleads for son's release, urges him to be strong -- Canadian Press
US soldier killed in Afghanistan bomb attack: NATO -- AFP
Taliban Commander Killed in Mosque Shootout -- Voice of America
NATO: Taliban Commander Dies in Mosque Shootout -- New York Times
Afghanistan to hold parliamentary elections -- Radio Netherlands
Afghans to hold parliament vote by late May: official -- Washington Post
Afghanistan's donors fear May parliamentary election disaster, some mull possibility of delay -- Canadian Press
Fighting the Taliban: The nature of combat in the Hindu Kush -- Deutsche Welle
'The US military is exhausted' -- AL Jazeera
President Karzai’s Inauspicious Start -- New York Times editorial

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