Dubai, by Piotr Zarobkiewicz
Abu Dhabi will not race to Dubai's rescue
UAE support amid Dubai debt crisis
"A falling dollar makes it even more difficult for the US government to meet its massive borrowing needs.
"Just to service existing debt, America must sell $205bn of Treasuries this year, a total set to hit more than $700bn a year by 2019 – even if annual budget deficits shrink. Selling long-term sovereign debt, in a currency expected to fall, is not easy.
"Almost every American economist I know dismisses these concerns. Several have contacted me over the last 48 hours, gloating that the dollar has just put on a renewed 'safe haven' spurt in the midst of fears about Dubai.
"Yet the state of the dollar poses enormous dangers. For one thing, America's currency depreciation trick could backfire if 'the rope slips' and a steadily dollar decline turns into free fall. The cost of US imports would soar, with the Fed being forced to sharply push up rates. The world's largest economy would then be caught in a stagflation trap – a slump, but with high inflation." - Liam Halligan - Benign neglect may turn dollar from safe haven to crisis trigger
The UK Attorney General Lord Goldsmith wrote to Tony Blair in July 2002 telling him that deposing Saddam Hussein was a breach of international law. Secret letter to reveal new Blair war lies - Mail Online
The inconvenient truths Mr Gore and his fanatical friends DIDN'T tell you.
The Fifth Estate - The Unofficial Story
9/11: Pentagon Aircraft Hijack Impossible, Flight Deck Door Closed for Entire Flight
Iran's president (or a man looking exactly like him) and a demo.
Honduras: an election made in Washington
"Four of the male prostitutes surveyed were introduced to prostitution at age 13, most were 14-19."("Guys go on heroin, then on the game," Irish Times, 30 July 1997)
"Male prostitutes in Dublin can range in age from mid to late teens to early 40s." (David Sleator, "Drug abuse leads to sex and violence in Phoenix Park," The Irish Times, 12 April 1997)
The market for younger "rent boys" is the greatest and offers higher financial rewards. (Outreach worker, David Sleator, "Drug abuse leads to sex and violence in Phoenix Park," Irish Times, 12 April 1997) - Ireland - Facts on Trafficking and Prostitution
Inquiry uncovers 80 new cases of child abuse by Catholic priests
Pope Benedict faces demand to dismiss Irish bishops in child abuse scandal
Dublin Archdiocese Report on Child Sexual Abuse Иван И.Творожников - Мальчик-нищий с корзиной.
The Universality of Cheese blog was taken off the internet. - SNP aide Mark maclachlan forced to quit over smears
Tales of Abused Animals
Scenic Scotland
Dundee Sees The Light
Ex-Labour health ministers back minimum drink pricing
UK HIV cases 'higher than ever'
Dinner lady sacked for exposing bullies loses fight to save job