Hayley and Roy are scared stiff after Tony's threats. Hayley doesn't show up at work and Roy doesn't open the cafe. They hide upstairs until they can figure out what their plan of action is. They decide to go to the police, then head out of town camping for a few days to stay away from Tony. Tony can't let it lie and is there at the Croppers every turn. He wants to know where they're going camping, but they say they don't know. Tony gets Anna to take him upstairs to the Croppers' flat once they're gone on the ruse of Hayley having a file of his, then snatches a set of keys from the counter. Later, Tony sees the police show up at his door and knock to no answers. Good thing Maria wasn't in. What is he going to do now?
Kev visits a solicitor to see what they can do about Stape, for Sally's sake. The solicitor tells him that there's really not much he can do with Stape, unless Stape causes trouble. Kev then asks him, theoretically, what would happen if he left his wife for another woman. His solicitor tells him that he'd probably have to sell the family home and give his wife half of his business. Ouch! That doesn't sound good to Kevin. That's not his only issue, Molly's still mad at him over his previous affairs and wants to know all the details. Kevin notes that his affair is worse than being married! Funny how that works out, isn't it?
John figures he needs to start earning, since he can't keep sponging off Fiz. He attempts to talk to Steve about getting a cab job back, but Steve isn't welcoming to that idea. He finds an opportunity when he realises that the Croppers are away for the weekend and Anna will need help at the cafe. John now works at the cafe with Anna, much to Sally's chagrin. I wonder what Sally's planning on doing next.
Eileen is suspicious about Jesse and Julie since Sean tells her that Julie has taken off for the afternoon, and he believes she's seeing a new man. And he thinks that the man is having an affair. Eileen puts two and two together and realises that Jesse and Julie are carrying on behind her back. She gets Eddie to spy on them to confirm it, and he does. She makes Jesse choose between her and Julie, once and for all, then watches him as he calls Julie to tell her that he can't perform with her anymore. He doesn't look happy about Eileen controlling him this way. Could this be the end for this dynamic duo?
Stevey-boy is back from his holiday and realises that Lloyd's been shacking up with Teresa. He takes every opportunity to take the mick out of him for it. He also wonders what Teresa has over his mother. Lloyd tells him that it's simple: Teresa's more fun! So true!
- Tony showing up as the Croppers try to leave town, to their fright, asking if they're "escaping." Then, throwing Anna and John Stape into the mix. How awkward was that situation?
- Eddie thinking that Tony was taking off with "his woman" upstairs to the Cropper residence. Haha.
- Teresa admitting that the hardest part about being a bad mother is admitting to it. It's like being an alcoholic, once you've admitted it, the hard part is over. Then, she's thankful that she's not an alcoholic as she downs her pint in one gulp. Haha, she's definitely more fun than Liz.
- When Hayley puts on her nightdress for Tony, to pretend she's sick, she forgets to take off her heels and skirt? Honestly!
- Roy telling Hayley that Roy is now Tony's conscience. Then Hayley reminding Roy that Tony has proposed to his victim's wife, and he doesn't have a conscience!
- Kevin realising that if left Sally for Molly, that he'd lose his house, and half his business. He didn't think of that before? Also, him complaining that being with Molly is like being married. I'm actually starting to feel sorry for Molly in a way. She should know better, but maybe Pam was slight right about Kev taking advantage of her.
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