On Wednesday, though, one of the best scholars in the field on knowing Palin's base assailed some of the other material in Olbermann's anti-Palin polemic. Bruce Wilson's essay, posted several places, chastises Olbermann for his hesitancy to call Palin's religious beliefs what they are, in that Wilson observed Olbmann only covered one area of many Palin brought up this past week regarding endtimes belief paradigms. The area Olbermann centered upon was an Israel thing centered on the Rapture. I covered aspects of that last week.
Wilson observed:
In a November 24th, 2009 segment of MSNBC's Countdown, Keith Olbermann asserted that Palin's religious views are not unusual, in terms of American culture. That might be true if giving Samurai swords to graduating religious students, claiming Christians can learn to raise the dead, and advocating the religious cleansing of unbelievers, is normative within Christianity.
Recent statements from Sarah Palin that appear to be rooted in end-times theology have sparked renewed discussion on Palin's religious beliefs [1, 2, 3, 4]. But none of the commentary on the subject - from Jeffrey Goldberg, Frank Rich, Keith Olbermann, and others refers to what's actually taught at Sarah Palin's churches, even though there's extensive evidence on that subject. This story present a case, heavily substantiated with video footage from Sarah Palin's most important church, the Wasilla Assembly of God, which radically challenges emerging liberal media narratives that purport to explain Palin's religious beliefs.
But Palin's Church Does Not Teach A Pre-Trib Rapture, and over the course of the past year, working together with a research colleague, I have extensively documented that Sarah Palin is tightly associated with the top leadership of a newly formed Christian tendency called the New Apostolic Reformation. The goal of the movement ? - This is not about the "Rapture." It's about Christian supremacy.
This is not speculation.
Read Wilson's article.
Leah Burton's continuing saga on how the CW lower-48 under-the-bus tour is playing out religiously is the best blog coverage by someone with extensive Alaska knowledge:
While running around conservative pockets of America, appealing to her “base”, referring to Obama as “backassword”, she is fueling the tide of hate against our president. For gods sake people…we must get the message out. This woman is a walking talking disaster.
Palingates, which has become far more visited than any conservative Palin blog niche, including C4P, doesn't blanch at calling Palin's stuff what it is, either. Here's a video from this past week that caught Palingates attention: