" You must not blame me if I talk to the clouds".......on my IPhone!
Henry David Thoreau
Well it's Thursday and you know what that means. I've been to the Birmingham Museum of Art for my volunteer shift and have something to share today. Meet Birmingham artist Amy Pleasant ( and she IS!). Amy's a local painter that also does mural drawings. Last week I featured a ladder in the Sculpture Garden. Well they were busy freshening up the walls with white paint so Amy could fill the walls with CLOUDS! She will eventually install dozens of 3 dimensional clouds, like the one in the top photo, all around the center space. Won't that be fun? I can't wait to see it when it's all finished. Meanwhile, I'll be stopping by to see Amy's progress and reporting back with photos.
* Amy's website won't be up and running for a week or so. I'll post it here so you can visit her!!!