I'll leave it with you.
There are other blogs catching up.
The link for voting is above .
Now..I wrote the previous post before I went away and had it scheduled to appear on the first of November.
We had a very welcome escape to Northumberland, where my Goddaughter was getting married last Friday.
We stayed 36 miles away from Newcastle. A journey of about 40 minutes to the church.
However, it took one and a half hours so we were a bit late.
(It was the Friday of the Autumn half term week almost exactly a year on from this post in which, among other things, we were stuck in a traffic jam on our way to something important.)
We asked directions of a man coming out of a pub with an Alsation dog.
He answered
'Yer gan doon heeya and torn reyt then torn reyt again at the leyts and ye cannamissit.'
(Apologies to Geordies reading this)
We didn't believe him, but he was reyt. Correct.
On Saturday we rested, walked, and forgot our cares.

Taking time to look closely at the tiny things,

as well as feeling the warmth of the sunshine,
listening to the waves,

tasting the spray

and smelling the beautiful fresh sea air.

(If you click the above picture you will be able to smell the sea too. I'm sure.)
Of course we ate a lot too.
The breakfast speciality was smoked haddock and poached eggs. It was the creamiest most delicious smoked haddock ever.
Sunday's weather was another story so we went to Alnwick (pronounced Annick in case you didn't know) and to the old railway station which houses a huge secondhand bookshop.
There were roaring fires and old sofas, tea and books..lots and lots of books.
A toy electric train chugged around the tops of the shelves, which were joined by wooden bars painted with quotations from appropriate books.

The above is from the Song of Solomon, very appropriate in the Religion section.
Also pertinent as it was one of the readings at the wedding.
EDIT: Junorth posted the exact same picture on the same day..what a coincidence.
And I forgot to tell you that this bookshop is the place where That poster originated. It was found in a box of books there years ago and because I forgot, its funny I called this post 'Calm'.
It was pouring down outside...

The roof of this old building leaked...

We couldn't get into the town of Alnwick due to very deep water in the road.
We had a long journey ahead.
We had a small glimpse of the Angel of the North as we said goodbye to Newcastle.
Since I returned I've been chasing time to sit and sew.
(Haven't even unpacked my case yet.)
I have managed to make some bags which I'll show next post.