Wiggle - Day 483

Wiggle has been to school again this evening, but not his usual class - Wiggle has been to Puppy School! After the rest of the guys from our class doing so well and passing their KC Good Citizen Silver, they were having a week off so Wiggle was asked if he wanted to join in with the pups.

As Wiggle has been enjoying his evening classes, we went along and Wiggle was a good boy, saying hello to the pups Marley and Jack. The pups are doing their Foundation classes and it was good for Wiggle to practise being well behaved and also an opportunity to work on our sit and stay. When it came to practising recall, Tracey, the trainer, worked with Wiggle and a whistle and interestingly, he paid more attention than to me!

Wiggle was able to lend a paw as the puppies have to learn to approach an unknown dog. Wiggle can sometimes be a bit wary of little dogs, but only gave a few small woofs when they were a bit too excited for his liking.

We're back to our normal big dogs class next week but in the meantime will keep on practising. If you're in the north Wiltshire area and need a good training class, we thoroughly recommend Tracey:


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