What a wake-up call!

This is one of those posts I hoped I'd never get to write, but helas, today I can:
This morning we caught a snake in our yard. Iiiaaaccchhh!

The dogs were going absolutely ballistic outside, and when Nathan (who was off to work anyway shortly) went outside to yell at them, he discovered this rather big, brownish snake just by our cars. It was quite slow-moving, because it had just fed on something (a rat?), but didn't look particularly happy...

Nathan came upstairs and told me:
- Do you want to see the snake??
What a way to wake up at 06 am!

Believe it or not, but I didn't run for my camera as the first thing I did! I went outside to "help", keep an eye on it in case it moved while the others (our neighbour Matt had arrived too at this stage, as they are flying together this morning) were attacking it.

They were very brave! They held the snake down with a rake, and chopped it's head of with a shovel. Yuk, yuk, yuk!

Unfortunately the close-up photos came out a bit blurry (used my zoom lens, so I wasn't very close at all!), but I hope you can see the whatever-he-has-eaten-hump on the snake?

Our amah wasn't too impressed either.

I'm glad the boys were still here. I now know that our amah is no big snake killer, so if we get one again and we are home alone, I'm calling Bomba (the firemen) straight away!

I'm really happy though the dogs did their job and warned us. This was one of the reasons why we got them. They sure are getting a special treat later!

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