The Senate approved a $625.6 billion Pentagon budget Tuesday, ending a weeklong debate reflecting very different but related wars: one in Afghanistan and the other among aerospace giants vying to keep production lines open.
Adopted 93-7, the measure includes $128.6 billion for U.S. military operations overseas, a number that will almost certainly grow in 2010 as the administration revamps its strategy in the Afghanistan-Pakistan region. Meeting with top lawmakers prior to the Senate action, President Barack Obama warned that the annual costs would approach $1 billion for every 1,000 troops added, and Afghanistan is now driving efforts to channel military spending more toward the immediate needs of soldiers and Marines in the field — and not the high-priced aircraft of the past.
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More News On The U.S. Defense Budget
Senate passes Pentagon budget, war funding -- AP
Senate approves $636B Pentagon bill -- The Hill
Senate passes Pentagon budget, war funding -- USA Today
U.S. Senate approves defense budget -- RIA Novosti
U.S. House, Senate negotiators fund 2nd F-35 engine -- Reuters
US Congress negotiators agree funds for jet engine -- AFP
Hill bucks W.H. on jet engine -- Politico
Key authorizers back second F-35 engine -- Government Executive
Defense Bill OKs F136 Funding -- DoD Buzz
C-17 Survives McCain’s Best Shot -- DoD Buzz
House-Senate Budget Clash Looms On Big Programs -- Defense News
FACTBOX: Senate passes $636 billion defense spending bill -- Reuters