New digital access options for U-M Press titles
ANN ARBOR, Mich. (Oct. 8, 2009)—The University of Michigan Press is joining with HathiTrust Digital Library to open electronic content for free online access. U-M Press plans to have 1,000 or more titles available for full viewing by the end of this year.
Launched in 2008, HathiTrust is a digital preservation repository and research management tool for the world's great research libraries, focused on providing scholars in the digital age with the largest collection of electronic research material this side of Google Book Search and large-scale, full-text searching and archiving tools to manage it...
At this time the following titles in ancient studes are available in this collection
Title: The Aphrodite of Knidos and her successors : a historical review of the female nude in Greek art / Christine Mitchell Havelock.
Author: Havelock, Christine Mitchell.
Date: 2007
Title: Archimedes and the Roman imagination / Mary Jaeger.
Author: Jaeger, Mary, 1960-
Date: 2008
Title: Athenian financial documents of the fifth century, by Benjamin Dean Meritt.
Author: Meritt, Benjamin Dean, 1899-1989.
Date: 1932
Title: The Augustinian epic, Petrarch to Milton / J. Christopher Warner.
Author: Warner, J. Christopher (James Christopher), 1961-
Date: 2005
Title: Ceremony and power : performing politics in Rome between Republic and Empire / Geoffrey S. Sumi.
Author: Sumi, Geoffrey S., 1963-
Date: 2005
Title: Clemency & cruelty in the Roman world / Melissa Barden Dowling.
Author: Dowling, Melissa Barden.
Date: 2006
Title: Coins from Seleucia on the Tigris, by Robert Harbold McDowell.
Author: McDowell, Robert Harbold, 1894-
Date: 1935
Title: Discovering the Greek countryside at Metaponto / Joseph Coleman Carter.
Author: Carter, Joseph Coleman.
Date: 2006
Title: East Central & Eastern Europe in the Early Middle Ages / Florin Curta, editor.
Date: 2005
Title: Elementary Latin: I
Author: Crawford, Grace A.
Date: 1963
Title: Elementary Latin: II
Author: Crawford, Grace A.
Date: 1963
Title: From monastery to hospital : Christian monasticism & the transformation of health care in late antiquity / Andrew T. Crislip.
Author: Crislip, Andrew T. (Andrew Todd)
Date: 2005
Full-textTitle: The Greek and Latin literary texts from Greco-Roman Egypt.
Author: Pack, Roger Ambrose, 1907-
Date: 1952
Title: The Hellenistic monarchies : selected papers / Christian Habicht.
Author: Habicht, Christian.
Date: 2006
Title: How the Incas built their heartland : state formation and the innovation of imperial strategies in the Sacred Valley, Peru / R. Alan Covey.
Author: Covey, R. Alan, 1974-
Date: 2006
Title: The idea of the theater in Latin Christian thought : Augustine to the fourteenth century / Donnalee Dox.
Author: Dox, Donnalee.
Date: 2004
Title: Law and the rural economy in the Roman Empire / Dennis P. Kehoe.
Author: Kehoe, Dennis P.
Date: 2006
Title: The laws of the Roman people : public law in the expansion and decline of the Roman Republic / Callie Williamson.
Author: Williamson, Callie.
Date: 2004
Title: The learned collector : mythological statuettes and classical taste in late antique Gaul / Lea M. Stirling.
Author: Stirling, Lea Margaret.
Date: 2005
Title: Life and thought in the ancient Near East / Louis L. Orlin.
Author: Orlin, Louis L. (Louis Lawrence)
Date: 2007
Title: The march up country;
Author: Xenophon.
Date: 1958
Title: The myths of fiction : studies in the canonical Greek novels / Edmund P. Cueva.
Author: Cueva, Edmund P., 1964-
Date: 2004
Title: Neo-Babylonian business and administrative documents; with transliteration, translation and notes,
Author: Moore, Ellen Whitley, ed. and tr. 1889-
Date: 1935
Title: News and frontier consciousness in the late Roman Empire / Mark W. Graham.
Author: Graham, Mark W., 1970-
Date: 2006
Title: The odyssey / Homer ; translated by Rodney Merrill ; with introductions by Thomas R. Walsh and Rodney Merrill.
Author: Homer.
Date: 2002
Title: The Peloponnesian War; the Thomas Hobbes translation. Edited by David Grene, with an introd. by Bertrand de Jouvenel.
Author: Thucydides.
Date: 1959
Title: The phonology and morphology of royal Achaemenid Elamite.
Author: Paper, Herbert H. (Herbert Harry), 1925-
Date: 1955
Title: Present shock in late fifth-century Greece / Francis M. Dunn.
Author: Dunn, Francis M.
Date: 2007
Title: Reading after Actium : Vergil's Georgics, Octavian, and Rome / Christopher Nappa.
Author: Nappa, Christopher.
Date: 2005
Title: Rethinking reality : Lucretius and the textualization of nature / Duncan F. Kennedy.
Author: Kennedy, Duncan F.
Date: 2002
Title: The rise of the Chinese Empire / Chun-shu Chang.
Author: Chang, Chun-shu, 1934-
Date: 2007
Title: Romans in a New World : classical models in sixteenth-century Spanish America / David A. Lupher.
Author: Lupher, David A., 1947-
Date: 2003
Title: Speculum iuris : Roman law as a reflection of social and economic life in antiquity / edited by Jean-Jacques Aubert and Boudewijn Sirks.
Date: 2002
Title: Stamped and inscribed objects from Seleucia on the Tigris, by Robert Harbold McDowell.
Author: McDowell, Robert Harbold, 1894-
Date: 1935
Title: Structural patterns and proportions in Vergil's Aeneid, a study in mathematical composition / by George E. Duckworth.
Author: Duckworth, George Eckel, 1903-
Date: 1962
Title: Theogony ; and, Works and days / Hesiod ; translated and with introductions by Catherine M. Schlegel and Henry Weinfield.
Author: Hesiod.
Date: 2006
Title: Thutmose III : a new biography / Eric H. Cline and David O'Connor, editors.
Date: 2006
Title: Tragedy, rhetoric, and the historiography of Tacitus' Annales / Francesca Santoro L'Hoir.
Author: Santoro L'Hoir, Francesca.
Date: 2006
Title: Vergil's Aeneid and the Roman self : subject and nation in literary discourse / Yasmin Syed.
Author: Syed, Yasmin, 1964-
Date: 2005
Title: Women's letters from ancient Egypt, 300 BC-AD 800 / Roger S. Bagnall and Raffaella Cribiore ; with contributions by Evie Ahtaridis.
Author: Bagnall, Roger S.
Date: 2006