The CIA Finds Job Security In Afghanistan .... Maybe

This Week At War: Send In The Spies -- Foreign Policy

On Sept. 30, Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell made it clear that the objective of President Barack Obama's Afghanistan policy -- "to disrupt, dismantle, and destroy al Qaeda" -- remains unchanged. According to Morrell, what is open for discussion among Obama senior advisors is "whether or not counterinsurgency is still the preferred means of achieving that end."

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My Comment: The problem with the CIA option is that since President Obama has assumed office, his Justice Department has made it very clear that they will investigate and examine CIA operations and tactics for the past few years. While their mandate is very specific, there is no guarantee that it can change or be altered in the future.

If I was a CIA officer in Afghanistan, I would be very much aware of what is happening back home in Washington .... and I would certainly question each and every move that I would do. The last thing that I would want on my plate is the possibility of being indicted and/or prosecuted for actions that my government tells me is OK now .... but may tell me later that it is not.

Send all the CIA officers that you want ito Afghanistan, but my gut is telling me that Gen. McChrystal is going to find a different CIA from the one that he got use to in Iraq.

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