sunday sweet sunday

After mama's meltdown Saturday night, the boys woke up Sunday & we snuggled all morning. We watched cartoons, played toys & loved on our bubs.

Here is Jack with his favorite bub, Santa bear. He likes to hug Santa bear on his shoulder, touching his face while running the tag (located on Santa bear's bum) through his fingers. He is so sweet and precious with that bear. It melts me.

Sweet Jack morning face.

Our favorite lately is our new Signing Baby Einstein video. The boys will watch it, their little fingers flying all around, mimicking the signs they see. They are just little sponges!

Jack has been so silly lately.
Look at that goofy face!

And this crazy, yelling face!

And this sweet & edible face!

Logan fell asleep during lunch on Sunday.
He was O-U-T!
I love this picture.

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