Poland Accepts Mobile Missle Defense System

Poland To Accept U.S. Offer On Shield -- New York Times

BERLIN — Poland, smarting after President Obama announced last month that he would scrap Bush-era plans to deploy an antiballistic missile system in Eastern Europe, will accept an offer to host parts of a new, more mobile, missile defense system, Polish officials said Tuesday.

The plan for so-called SM-3 missiles, first proposed in Washington last month, will be spelled out in more detail on Wednesday when Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. holds talks with leaders in Warsaw.

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More News On Missile Defense In Europe

Poland ready to accept new US missile defense deal -- AP
Poland ready to take part in Obama missile defence -- Reuters
Vice President Biden: Easing Allies' Concerns Over Missile Defense System? -- ABC News
US Biden visit to reassure Poles -- BBC
Biden denies Russia 'reset' will hit east European allies -- AFP
Vice President Biden Travels to Poland, Romania, Czech Republic -- Voice of America
Biden's task in eastern Europe: Reassurance -- Christian Science Monitor

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