October 9, 2009

White Dog was resigned to the fact that this was a teaching night and it would be late before Steve got home. She sat moping on the chair occasionally looking out of the window and sighing. When the phone rang she looked at me as if to say "Now you'll be too busy to give me any attention!" I answered but it was for White Dog! Her bff, Prinnie, knew it was a long night for her and called White Dog just to keep her company. White Dog rushed over and hopped up on my shoulder. The girls chatted about every little thing as my shoulder cramped and my fingers grew numb from holding the receiver. White Dog smiled and wagged and squirmed with delight as they tele-visited. Finally, White Dog turned the phone over to me so I could say "hello" to Prinnie's mom and mommy...and Steve arrived home just in time to add his greetings to our California friends. After White Dog yipped a final, final, final good night to Prinnie, she welcomed Steve home.

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