One day her mother took her on a long journey to visit her Aunties who lived near a place called 'The Arboretum' , a beautiful magical garden with a lot of trees and a silver lake.
At the edge of that lake were rowing boats.
Now, as soon as that good little girl saw those boats she wanted to get into one with her Aunties and go out onto the lake.
But her Aunties did not want to get in a boat.
Not at all.
But that usually good little girl made such a lot of moaning and misery-ing that eventually her Mother and the Aunties hired a rowing boat and they all got in.
Sadly, her mother and the Aunties were not very good at rowing.
The boat rocked and rolled and they were out in the middle of the lake and the little girl was afraid that the boat would tip up and that they would all end up in the water.
But all the Aunties and her mother could do was shriek with laughter.
So do you know what she did?
She moaned and cried and made such a fuss that they had to row back to shore and get out of the boat which had once seemed such a good idea.
Now that little girl grew up (and learned to swim) and computers were invented and she started to write a blog.
She tried very hard to please everyone because whatever she did she tried to do it the best she could.
One day her blogging took her to a place where she saw there was a thing called
'The Dorset Cereals Great Little Blog Award'
and she wanted to get on that boat.
(She loved Dorset Cereals and had three varieties in her cupboard.)
So she waited and waited until eventually one of her blog friends nominated her blog.
But nothing happened.
Then another friend e mailed her to say she had nominated her blog.
But still nothing happened.
Then a third person said she had nominated her.
Still nothing happened.
And then in desperation she nominated herself. (She is quite ashamed of that)
And all the time she saw, on almost every blog she read, that they had been nominated for the award.
So that once usually good little girl moaned and misery-ed and wondered what could be wrong with her blog?
She had to know.
So one evening after she had had a glass of wine she e-mailed Dorset Cereals and asked them why her blog hadn't been added to the list.
She told them she didn't want a 'pity nomination' but just wanted to know why?
Should she do more crochet? have more buttons? more baking?some bunting? another baby?(But really she was far too grown up for that last one)
So the kind lady at Dorset Cereals said it had been 'An Oversight' and that after all her blog is now on the list.
But the grown up little girl feels a bit sick now.
A bit like she did on that boat.
Will she be tipped into the water..will anyone actually vote?
Might she just be a bit too obsessive about her blog?
If you would like to help row her safely to shore, please click this picture and vote.
( You might win a prize.)