Second Day of Travel

Now that I'm getting to the end of my vacation week, I'll try to go back and post some picures over the next week after I get home.

Darby and I spent the night in Mineola and left just at the right time to avoid the rush-hour traffic of Dallas. These are the only pictures I managed to take while driving.

We stopped for lunch past Dallas, Weatherford, I think. It was such an easy drive with my good book to listen to and pretty weather. Hwy 84 W was pretty much all the same - farm land, oil wells, and these windmills. They scare me. Remind me of a Stephen King movie. I believe each arm is 85 feet long. Creepy when they're moving in that slow-motion way they have.

These are the green-looking clouds we saw when the front came in as we got to Littlefield. There was a neat little mini-tornado coming down a side street. It kind of left it's dust all over us and disappeared.

The rest of my pictures have been sent to my computer or in the camera, so it's going to take me forever to catch up. Elise and I spent the day in Lubbock Wednesday, and Mike and I went to the Lubbock BBQ cook-off on Thursday. We met with a realtor and looked at houses one day. We did a lot of driving around. Visited the plant on Friday and met more people than I can remember. We went by and saw Betty's little quilting business, stopped by Doris and Jaime's house to see their new furniture. Went for a walk with them and the Chihuahuas Bella and Coco. Ate Tex-Mex at Jalisco's. Saturday was a do-nothing day, and we stayed in and watched some football games. Today we met Butch and Linda and went to Muleshoe for lunch. We then drove around more and talked, and I started packing and transferring these pictures. And there are a lot of them.

It's sad to leave, and we may not get to move here - lots of things have to come together - lots - but I think I'd be very happy here. Nicest people you'd ever find. Lots more later when I get home and get my thoughts organized. I'll drive to the other side of Dallas tomorrow and spend the night - maybe in Shreveport - then home on Tuesday. Then I'll be picking Mama up in Birmingham on Wednesday.

It's been a wonderful trip, but I'm afraid I'm going to pay for it with days and days of work for the pleasure of all these days off.

Elise's kitty, named Kitty. She put up with Darby invading her territory very graciously.

I forgot about Elise's alley cats. When I hear alley cats, I think of skinny slinking things fighting for food, but look what sweet things. The mother had the kittens and Elise sheltered and fed them and tried to give them away. She has only managed to give away the white one. If I could, I'd take the other 3. I hope she can find them homes.

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