Push Begich - Push Murkowski - Push Young - Real Health Care Reform WITH a Public Option

Push your co-workers.

Push your fellow union members.

Push your shop steward.

Jane Hamsher put it an hour ago about President Obama and the blue dogs like Sen. Mark Begich that are throwing liberals and progressives under one bus after another as they try to corner money from big pharma, the high-tech medical industry, insurance companies and bankers:

One of the ways that Obama has managed to navigate a course to appease Republicans and AIG and still retain his liberal "bona fides" is by keeping the liberal interest groups in a veal pen. Every Tuesday, they are given their instructions and are expected to toe the line. If the White House wants them to shut up about the banks, no problem. If Rahm shows up and pitches a shit fit telling them they are "fucking stupid" and that they shouldn't advertise against Blue Dogs, well -- everyone stops advertising against Blue Dogs.

Senator Begich thinks he can similarly control Alaska liberal interest groups. I'd like to find out why THIS list is "hidden at organizer's request." Why did Sen. Mark Begich have from Friday August 14th at 9:00 a.m. until Sunday, August 16th at 5:00 p.m. to raise bucks from "hidden" Great Land PAC contributors, including medical industry lobbyists, at the most swank destination in Alaska, but only had 75 minutes for Bethel's Native leaders, even less for other villages, and none for scores of villages facing fucking starvation and goddam cultural genocide?

Call him!

Call him five fucking times a day!

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