Political Help Behind Libya Arms Trade, Says Official

Prime Minister Gordon Brown meets Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi Photo: PA

From Times Online:

A senior Whitehall official boasted that “high-level political interventions” had enhanced the prospect of arms sales to Libya, three weeks after Britain’s prisoner transfer deal with the regime was ratified.

Richard Paniguian, who runs the government organisation that promotes defence exports, used a speech on May 21 to highlight the backing it offered to British manufacturers of military equipment.

“There have been high-level political interventions, often behind the scenes, in places like Libya, Oman, India and Algeria,” the head of UKTI DSO said. “The key here is consistent support over time, delivered at key points in a campaign. You’d expect us to deliver Whitehall support and we are doing that.”

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My Comment: Another confirmation that everyone wanted to release the Lockerbie bomber for future business .... but not willing to admit it directly and publicly.

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