Mexico's Drug Cartel War -- News Updates September 7/8, 2009

Forensic workers remove the body of Sabino Hernandez from his car. The police commander was killed when his vehicle was sprayed with bullets.

Chief Player in Mexican Drug War Resigns -- Time Magazine

(MEXICO CITY) — Mexican President Felipe Calderon announced Monday the resignation of Attorney General Eduardo Medina-Mora, his point-man in the offensive against drug cartels, but gave no indication that the current strategy of full confrontation with the gangs would change.

At a ceremony announcing Cabinet changes, including the resignations of the agricultural secretary and head of the state-owned oil company, Medina-Mora predicted history would judge the tough approach with drug gangs as correct.

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More News On Mexico's Drug Cartel War

Mexico Replaces Attorney General as Drug Violence Soars -- Wall Street Journal
Mexico attorney general replaced -- BBC
Attorney-general resigns over failure to halt drug cartel killings -- Times Online
Point man in Mexico's war on drug cartels resigns -- AP
Mexico removes attorney general to revamp drug war -- Reuters
A Tale of Two Cities -- Newsweek
Mexico Nabs Suspected Killer of 17 Rehab Patients -- Washington Post
Mexico's Brutal Turf War -- CBS News
August Proves Deadly For Mexico's War On Drugs -- NPR
Mexican Cartel Enforcers and Rising 'Collateral Damage' --
Drug war breeding extortion rackets in Mexico -- Washington Times
FACTBOX: Increasing violence in Mexico's drug war -- Reuters
TIMELINE: Key events in Mexico's drug war -- Reuters

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