may it always be fall

Earlier this summer I professed Powerline to be my favorite Divas ride of the summer. Now I must profess that fall may be my favorite time to ride in the parks of our fair city. Last September the woods seemed to glow. Maybe it just seemed that way after the gloomy summer we had, but I think the up-side to all that rain were very healthy, happy trees that were ready to end the season with a golden bang.

I don't know if the colors are as vibrant this year and it's hard to tell with a bright, sunny, glorious evening like we enjoyed on the STA trails on Wednesday evening. Ten of us pedaled 'backwards' up the Queen Bee and the Hive (okay -- there is no specified direction but we've always gone the other way). Four of us descended on the red trails. For the second time this summer, I've heard this singletrack network referred to as Disneyworld for mountain bikers. Amen!
Gloria, always smiling, especially on some lovely singletrack

A line of Divas pedaling up to Prospect Heights