Right: expect some wizardry when IP and lending experts come together to discuss the possible future face of IP secured transactions!
This event takes place on the afternoon of 14 October in the London offices of law firm Olswang LLP. So far over 50 participants have registered for the seminar, which is free of charge and carries 2.45 CPD points, and it looks as though the venue will be booked to its capacity quite soon. To avoid disappointment, if you'd like to attend but haven't yet done so please email Sandra Holloway, who will inscribe you on the list of attendees.
This event takes place on the afternoon of 14 October in the London offices of law firm Olswang LLP. So far over 50 participants have registered for the seminar, which is free of charge and carries 2.45 CPD points, and it looks as though the venue will be booked to its capacity quite soon. To avoid disappointment, if you'd like to attend but haven't yet done so please email Sandra Holloway, who will inscribe you on the list of attendees.