all the cunningham's together

We got together at Julie's house this afternoon.
We had lots of fun.


{Daddy & Jack}

{Jack & Logan}
Rebecca & Mariah were oh-so-helpful watching/playing with the boys. It's awesome to have family get-togethers because I get a break when everyone pitches in.

{Ethan & Jack}
Mariah & Rebecca aren't the only cousins who love to spend time with Logan & Jack. Julie's boys are great helpers, too.

He & I spent some one on one time together on Julie's trampoline. He giggles & bounces all around.

{mommy & logan}
...a self portrait of me & my bub.

While Logan & I jumped on the trampoline, Jack enjoyed playing ball with the big boys.

All that playing today gave Logan a serious appetite. He ate one & a half PB & J sandwiches for dinner!
I wanted to mention with this post that the boys were overjoyed to see Grandma Carol at Julie's. They clung to her for a good ten minutes when we first got there. I found that quite heartwarming.
I also wanted to mention how amazing my family is. Julie & Andrea have both offered to watch the boys any time that Carol isn't able to. Between the two of them, my mom and my sister, I know we will get through. Having the boys in good hands is an amazing blessing.
Prayers for Carol tomorrow as she has her CAT scan.

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