Jonah Goldberg Coming to UAA in September

Right-wing polemicist, author, columnist, editor and all-around whack-job, Jonah Goldberg, will be appearing at the University of Alaska Anchorage's Wendy Williamson Auditorium on September 15th. It will be free. He is being sponsored by The Northern Light, the campus newspaper. I don't know yet whether or not KRUA, the campus radio station will broadcast his speech, but it wouldn't be that difficult to do, as the studios are in the same building complex that houses the Wendy Williamson Auditorium, where Goldberg will give his talk.

I've left three messages at The Northern Light since Monday, but haven't gotten a return call yet. I'm hoping to get more details on Goldberg's visit and campus activity.

Here's a video clip of Goldberg's most recent television appearance, where he lies about the background of a counseling pamphlet, created at the Department of Veterans Affairs during the Bush administration:

"Culled from the tribe," eh?

Here's a collage of how FAUX News is handling the term "death book":

Many are asking, "Why didn't Fox News and Goldberg bring this up when it came out, during the Bush administration?"

Here's a great article by Jed Lewison
at Daily Kos on Fox's and Goldberg's Death Book lie.

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