Do real American men ride "step-through" bikes?

In an article at Slate today (with an accompanying video), current European "urban" bikes are reviewed, emphasizing the practical aspects of their upright posture, fenders, and chain guards. What most interested me was this comment:
(By the way, I specifically sought out bikes in a style Europeans refer to as "step-through," and we here in the States refer to as "women's." Step-through bikes are much easier to elegantly mount and dismount, they allow you to stand up in comfort when at a stoplight, and they eliminate all risk of brutally racking your testicles. The fact is, that crossbar on men's bikes doesn't serve much purpose if you're not a performance rider.)
Since I'm in the market for a new bike, should I consider the "step-through" style, or will I be laughed at by other bicyclists (and the general public) in suburban America?

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