AUSTRALIA'S battered relationship with China has not diminished Beijing's support for Kevin Rudd's vision for an Asia Pacific community by 2020, the Prime Minister's special envoy said yesterday.
Veteran diplomat Richard Woolcott said the Chinese ambassador to Australia, Junsai Zhang, had told him China understood the proposal was a multilateral issue that would be considered separately from the present difficulties besetting the Sino-Australian relationship.
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My Comment: I find this proposal amazing when one considers how Asia really functions. Every Asian country is focused on protecting their own markets. The Chinese are not going to permit companies from India to come in and compete against their own industries. The same can be said with Japan, South Korea, Taiwan ... etc.. Every country prioritizes their own self interests .... and are not going to be accommodating to their neighbors.
An Asian-Pacific Plan seems exciting for outsiders to read about .... but it is not gong to happen for a very long time.