Cash For Clunkers "Crushed"?

A record number of customers have taken advantage of the Cash For Clunkers Government Program. So many, that the Billion dollar budget for the program has been Crushed!

The House of Representatives have passed an additional 2 Billion dollars for the program to continue, but The Senate votes next week and looks to have some stiff opposition.

If you are a dealership, be very cautious in your efforts toward the Cash for Clunkers Program from this point forward. The Government has promised to cover all deals done through this weekend, but starting the first of the week there are no guarantees. There will be some forward thinking dealerships that step out on a hunch that Cash for Clunkers will continue, but could find themselves tangled in tape (red tape, not greenbacks).

Hopefully, Government will extend the offer for a little longer to give the customers that were somewhat skeptical a chance to dive in. There are still calls everyday, probably more now than in the beginning, asking if Cash For Clunkers will continue.

This is an expensive program for the Government, but just think of the environment with all these gas guzzling, smoking tailpipes, rattling sheet metal, air polluting vehicles off the roads. This was really a well thought out plan that makes sense for all that are involved. It not only stimulates the economy, but also gives customers much needed breaks for buying a new car, and maybe factory's can once again ramp up production.

Let me know what you think of the program. Have you taken advantage of the Cash For Clunkers? What type of car did you buy? What kind did you crush? Did it make your decision easier to go ahead and buy now? Should the Government extend the program? Tell me what you think or if you have not taken advantage at this time, are you planning to buy if the program is extended?

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