I have been to the teabag paper mines and am now in possession of a sore back and enough plain teabag paper to last me, you, and probably all out neighbours for the rest of our lives.
Its available in both my Folksy and Etsy shops. If you look and its gone, I will relist over and over again..
Its very versatile and is now in packs of 10 x 60 inch long, foot wide strips, so even more versatile.
Free P&P to UK buyers.
Lovely stuff.
Now I must tell you about my Birthday.
On Friday and Saturday I worked hard to get a clean tidy house, and all ironing DONE!
Lovely presents from friends and family, surprises in the post, but my boys have heard neither of the Royal Mail nor the early morning, so I am supposed to be getting a visit today.
We planned to go on an Ullswater Steamer, but steam was what appeared to be over the moors when I looked out of the bedroom window yesterday morning..and torrential rain.
Besides that I was convinced I had swine flu...runny nose...sneezing..feeling a bit poorly, but with hindsight I can put that down to dusting as an extreme sport the previous day, and a 'night off' from the diet on Saturday night.
After mulling it over we decided to go out anyway and set off at the crack of 1.30pm ..and where do you think we were?
Look at these trees and that sky...
It looks positively tropical,
but there were clues here to other weather conditions; look closely at the blackboard...
I think those ponchoes are plastic.....rain forest?
Is this a monkey? No ..its a Herdwick lamb.
This isn't the rain forest, nor even Ullswater..its Keswick,
Beautiful Derwentwater,
Don't those clouds remind you of the Fellpainter?
Here's the view from Friars Crag
If we'd known the weather was going to be as good as this we would have set out earlier and done the steamer thing.
But instead we had a very late lunch here, in the two chairs on the right of the picture, and (I'm so sorry and so guilty in the presence of vegetarians ) the most exquisite lamb I have ever tasted
with a view to make you gasp.
But it seemed a bit insensitive..eating with the bleating.
Please forgive me dear lambs.
We drove home via Ullswater, Glenriddings and over the spectacular Kirkstone Pass, had a late evening snack at The Queens head, Troutbeck and arrived home about 10.30 pm.
I've had another lovely birthday, but so totally different from last years.
By the way what do you think of the blog makeover?