Navy Wants High-Powered Laser for Fending Off Small Boats

Hands Up, Pirates!: The Navy's prototype laser could help counter small boat threats such as these suspected pirates, who were detained by the guided-missile cruiser USS Vella Gulf in February 2009. U.S. Navy


There's no fricking laser beams attached to sharks, but Dr. Evil might still be jealous. The U.S. Navy wants to test a high-powered laser against the threat of small boats or even jet skis carrying RPG-wielding riders.

Northrop Grumman came away with the $98-million contract for the Maritime Laser Demonstration (MLD) in early July. Next up: installing a prototype of the laser on a ship and testing it on a remote-controlled small boat within the next 18 months.

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My Comment: Why spend the money when a 50 cal. would do just as well .... I guess the Navy has money to spend.

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