"Before Osama bin Laden became the world’s most wanted terrorist, he was the world’s biggest heroin kingpin...
"Enter Mohamed Atta...
"Atta chose as his U.S. base Huffman Aviation, a flight school in tiny Venice Florida, a modest business of no particular note (it has never grossed more than two or three million dollars a year) which had recently been sold to two men we have subsequently learned have deep connections into international organized crime."
US troops back on patrol in Iraq
Israel ignores U.S. pleas to settle Iranian nuclear dispute diplomatically
"The Finnish Speaker of the Parliament Sauli Niinisto spoke of the surreptitious campaign underway - indeed almost completed - to pull his nation into an expanding worldwide military alliance despite its citizens not only being opposed to but not even aware of it." - Afghanistan: Training Ground for War on Russia
Police release Jakarta bombings suspect
Will mass use of Tamiflu leave Britain all but defenceless as swine flu becomes resistant?
Government Swine Flu Advisor On Vaccine Maker Payroll
Government virus expert paid £116k by Tamiflu anti-viral makers
Big Pharma: Baxter Files Swine Flu Vaccine Patent a Year Ahead of Outbreak
Swine flu is a man made virus ?
Errol Flynn was a Nazi spy, says author
The Zionist Gang that Bankrupted General Motors
Busted: The Orthodox Criminal Network
Andrew 'was paid £3m more' for Southyork 'to lobby for Kazakh premier'
Is Obama ineligible to be President as he was not born in America?
Gladio-style terror in Istanbul, New York, Jakarta...