F-35 Program Is Short Of Cash For Development, But A "Money Laundering" Way To Fund It Has Been Found

F-35 Lightning II (Photo from Defense Industry Daily)

The Sale That Isn't -- F-16.net

October 1, 2008 (by Eric L. Palmer) - The story of how money laundering of U.S. taxpayer funds return back to help a troubled aircraft program.

The F-35 program needs cash. Major JSF partner nations aren't buying yet and expenses are getting high. Failure to manage and estimate development costs and other factors outside the control of the program: Such as a falling U.S. dollar and the rising cost of manpower and material are having a negative effect. So where does Lockmart/Pentagon search for an infusion of cash to help push it along? Israel.

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My Comment: An excellent post on the F-35 Program. Short, sweet, well written, and distressing to all taxpayers.

As you can tell, I am a fan of both F-16.net and ELP Defen(s)e. It is my place to go to for news on the F-35 program that you cannot get anywhere else. I highly recommend everyone to bookmark both blogs.

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