Atlas database of exhibits

LOUVRE Atlas database of exhibits

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The Atlas database covers all the works exhibited in the museum - some 30,000 items.

Internet users, like museum visitors, will find the usual explanatory texts that accompany museum exhibits, compiled under the authority of the museum curators.
New images are currently being added to the database, which is constantly updated.

The Atlas database currently contains some 30,000 works - 98 % of the museum's exhibits, distributed throughout the museum's departments as follows:

Near Eastern Antiquities: some 5777 works
Islamic Art: some 1283 works
Egyptian Antiquities: some 4851 works
Greek, Etruscan, and Roman Antiquities: some 6099 works

Decorative Arts: some 6613 works
Sculptures: some 1764 works
Paintings: some 3507 works
Prints and Drawings: some 113 works
Medieval Louvre and History of the Louvre: some 136 works

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