About 200,000 children in West and Central Africa are slaves, sold by their parents or duped. The children are starved, abused and beaten. But some get their own slaves when they grow up.
Reporting from Kpone, Ghana -- Rebecca Agwu told her 5-year-old son, John, not to cry when she sent him away to live with relatives four years ago. Mary Mootey sent away her 4-year-old son, Evans, telling him he was going off to school. The two boys, now 9, from the same town in Ghana, ended up being forced to work 14 hours a day fishing on Lake Volta and being beaten for the smallest lapse.
Rewind about two decades: Rebecca Agwu was a child herself when her mother sent her away to live with an aunt.
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Update: Half a million African slaves are at the heart of Mauritania's presidential election -- The Telegraph
My Comment: When we think of slavery .... we think of America's past. The sad fact is that slavery has also been an African institution that goes back centuries, and that still exists today. Ethnic and tribal conflicts, coupled with incompetent and/or corrupt governments functioning in a culture of no laws and a lack of respect for people of different faiths, ethnicity, and/or tribal connection ..... this environment is a breeding ground for the exploitation and abuse of people .... and (unfortunately) it is still present in most of Africa.
Will this ever end .... it will but when .... this I do not know.