The public's knowledge re U.S. current events

The Pew Research Center offered 1,000 adults a 12-item multiple-choice test. The average adult got 7.4 questions correct.

TAKE THE TEST HERE (if you dare).

TYWKIWDBI is embarrassed to have scored only 10/12 correct. Analysis by the Pew group [don't read this before taking the test because it contains spoilers] showed that the most important demographic variable was the age of the respondent:
For each of the 12 items tested, a greater proportion of older people (50 and older) than younger people (younger than 35) knew the correct answer...

Overall, those who are 50 or older answered an average of 8.4 questions correctly, while those younger than 35 answered just 5.9 questions correctly on average. College graduates fared better than those with less education: On average, college graduates correctly answered 8.7 questions correctly, while those with some college got an average of 7.6 right and those with no more than a high school education got 6.2 correct.

Men correctly answered an average of 8.3 out of 12 questions correctly; women answered an average of 6.7. Republicans received higher average scores on the quiz than both Democrats and independents. Republicans averaged 8.1 correct answers, compared with 7.3 for independents and 7.2 for Democrats.

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