Das Getränkepulver im praktischen Portionsbeutel weist wie ein leichter Wein aus der Flasche einen Alkoholgehalt von 8,2% auf. Für Expeditionen in Schnee und Kälte wurde zudem der passende Glühwein in Pulverform entwickelt. Für den besonderen Augenblick im abendlichen Camp.Presumably all one needs to do is add alcohol...
Credit, via Arbroath.
In the comments Peder Hanson cites the text as indicating the alcohol is already included. Here's the English:
The beverage powder that comes in convenient portions packed in pouches has an alcoholic content of 8,2%, which is similar to a light bottled wine.I had assumed that alcohol can't be powdered. Apparently I'm wrong. And I still don't understand how a powder can be a certain % alcohol. Or maybe the powder is dissolved in a few cc of pure alcohol contained in the foil packet and just needs to be diluted with an appropriate volume of water? I don't know.
Addendum: Note the distributor also sells cheeseburger in a can. Yum. And so good for you too... the perfect supplement to counteract the active outdoor lifestyle... (I'm not a curmudgeon; just chuckling...) :.)
Second addendum: The ever-present "anonymous" has come up with the answer: "According to food chemist Udo Pollmer of the European Institute of Food and Nutrition Sciences in Munich, alcohol can be absorbed in cyclodextrines, a sugar derivate. In this way, encapsuled in small capsules, the fluid can be handled as a powder."
Powdered alcohol. How cool is that? Thanks for tracking that down. You learn something every day.