Apparently, Michael Jackson was in the hands of people who knew all about freemasonry, satanism and mind-control.
"On the cover of the ... 'Dangerous' Album, the freemasonic symbol of the one eye can be found as well as a picture of a bald headed man well known to the Occult (Satanists) as Alistair Crowley." (Brainwashing for the CIA)
Alistair Crowley was a freemason who became a Satanist. (Brainwashing for the CIA)
Crowley worked for the security services. (aangirfan: The British security services, fascism and child abuse.)
Terror is used to achieve mind control. (Cached )
Michael Jackson has described the terrifying behaviour of his father, Joe.
One night while Michael slept, Joe Jackson decided to climb into Michael's bedroom via the window.
Joe was wearing a frightening mask, and he started screaming and shouting.
This gave Michael nightmares.
('My father beat me up. He was very strict, very hard..just a look would terrify me')
Allegedly, Michael Jackson's father allowed Michael to be 'used' by older men.
Reportedly, the CIA likes to use boys and girls for the purposes of sexual blackmail.
"At night, women lured men to the hideaways and fed them LSD or marijuana, while other men watched the action through two-way mirrors and tape-recorded the sounds.
"Scenes from seamy bordellos? Havens for desperate voyeurs? No, these were taxpayer-financed operations of the CIA." (Mind-Bending Disclosures - TIME )
The key people at the CIA are said to promote satanism and are reported to have used rock and pop music to spread their brainwashing. (aangirfan: Marilyn Manson, Luke Mitchell, Anton LaVey, Michael ...)
"Jimmy Page's fascination with Aleister Crowley is well-known.
"He purchased Crowley's mansion and they lived and produced a few records there, including the fourth album with no name, just occult-looking symbols on it.
"I remember as a teenager playing Zep records backwards to listen to the backwards masking...
"'Oh, here's to my sweet Satan. The one whose little path would make me sad, whose power is Satan. He'll give those with him 666. There was a little tool shed where he made us suffer, sad Satan.'"
(Pink Floyd... NWO, MKULTRA, CIA, occultists?, page 1)
Paul A. Bonacci said that, as a child, he was kidnapped, tortured and subjected to sex abuse and mind control.
In 1999, in a court in Omaha, he won $1,000,000 in damages. (Mind Control Victim Awarded $1 Million)
Bonacci in his testimony referred to the involvement of top members of the US military and top politicians in child abuse.
The Washington Times reported that Paul Bonacci had access to the White House living quarters.
Col. Michael Aquino is one of those frequently mentioned in cases relating to child abuse and mind-control. (Michael Aquino, child sex abuse and the United States.)
The Pentagon's Project Monarch is about mind control. (Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control by Ron Patton)
It is supected that Lee Harvey Oswald, Sirhan-Sirhan, Charlie Manson, John Hinckley Jr., Mark Chapman, David Koresh, Tim McVeigh and John Salvi may have been mind-control victims. (Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control by Ron Patton )
And Michael Jackson?
When Elvis joined the US army it was being used as a test ground for the MKULTRA project.
MKULTRA involved drug related experiments to modify human behaviour for the purpose of subliminal control.
In 1970, Elvis visited President Nixon.
Reportedly, Elvis told Nixon: "I've done an in-depth study of drug abuse and Communist brainwashing techniques."
Reportedly, Elvis believed 'the mind control techniques and his singing abilities could be used to help reshape the patriotic and moral fibre of America's youth.'
- - Elvis meets Nixon: a White House memory - August 16, 2002 / YOUR NEW REALITY
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