Scottsboro City Council Meeting

Old Business: No bids wee received for an Asphalt Hot Box for the Street Department. The Department Head will negotiate with manufactorers for the best price of this item. Mr. Dolberry, Streets Superintendent, stated to the City Council that the lowest price unit which includes a trailer and other necessary accessories to keep the mix hot would cast approximately $29,500.00, which was below the estimated original cost of $30,000.00. The manufacturing company is located in Albany, NY.
New Business: 1) Discussion concerning a vacancy for a 911 Dispatcher. 2) Discussion concerning new Scottsboro Police Procedures Manual. 3) Grant for Airport approved. Barge, Wagoner and Sumner will be the engineers for this project. 4) Discussion concerning FEMA contract for storm damage. This subject matter was continued until next meeting. 5) Alcohol Business license approved for business on South Broad St., Gorjut Singh business owner, formerly Pinky's. 6) Jim Olyneise was reappointed as a Board Member on the Goosepond Colony, Scottsboro Parks and Recreation Board.

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