Release of New Journal on NCAA Compliance

On behalf of the Center for Law and Sports at Florida Coastal School of Law, I am pleased to announce our new publication, the Journal of NCAA Compliance. The Journal will be comprised of essays written by Coastal Law students containing detailed summaries of the latest NCAA compliance rulings as well as short articles on contemporary issues in NCAA compliance. It will also occasionally feature outside articles authored by athletic department compliance staff.

Compliance departments across the country have provided and continue to provide Coastal Law students and graduates with invaluable internship experiences, and the Journal serves a unique educational purpose for Coastal Law students enrolled in the sports certificate program. The summaries will provide a basis for practitioners, faculty and students to comment on trends, inconsistencies, possible advocacy strategies and areas of reform. These summaries will also focus on the specific sanctions imposed, with references to previous compliance decisions involving similar rules violations.
The Journal is an online publication that will publish six issues annually, one issue every two months. The inaugural issue (March-April) can be accessed on a complimentary basis here. For information about how to subscribe for subsequent issues, click here. The current issue (May-June) contains a summary of the recent compliance ruling involving academic fraud at Florida State University. FSU has appealed that ruling as it relates to the Infractions Committee's decision to vacate wins.

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