Official schedule and quota for blacks: São Paulo Fashion Week 2009

Here is the lineup for this year's São Paulo Fashion Week, which will take place in June. Worthy of mention: they announced that they've introduced a quota whereby there will be a minimum number of models of black or indian descent imposed. Interesting to see how that will play out... I have highlighted the more noteworthy shows in bold.

Wednesday June 17
3 pm Osklen
5 pm Priscila Darolt
6 pm V. Rom
7pm Paola Robba
8h15pm Uma
9h30 pm Colcci

Thursday June 18
1h30pm Iodice
3h30pm Maria Bonita
4h30pm Alexandre Herchcovitch
17h30 Cori
7pm Forum Tufi Duek
8h15pm Huis Clos
9h30pm Cia. Marítima

Friday June 19
12h15 Reinaldo Lourenço
3h30 Simone Nunes
4h30 Agua de Coco
5h30 Carlota Joaquina
6h30 Fabia Bercsek
7h30 Ellus
9 Triton

Saturday June 20
12h45 Gloria Coelho
3h30 Erika Ikezili
4h30 Maria Garcia
6h30 Fause Haten
7 2nd Floor
8h15 Oestúdio
9h30 Animale

Sunday June 21
12 Cavalera
2h30 Neon
3h30 Ronaldo Fraga
5 Jefferson Kulig
6 Mario Queiroz
7h30 Lino Villaventura

Monday June 22
3 Isabela Capeto
4 Wilson Ranieri
5 Movimento
6 Alexandre Herchcovitch Men
7 Reserva
8h15 Samuel Cirnansck
9h30 André Lima

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