New Sports Law Scholarship

Recently published scholarship includes:
Steven B. Berneman, Note, One strike and you’re out: alcohol in the Major League Baseball clubhouse, 11 VANDERBILT JOURNAL OF ENTERTAINMENT & TECHNOLOGY LAW 399 (2009)

Paul T. DeRousselle II, Comment, Personal foul! How the Supreme Court allowed the Tennessee Secondary School Athletic Association to violate Brentwood Academy’s First Amendment rights, 36 SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 173 (2008)

Nathaniel Grow, Reevaluating the Curt Flood Act of 1998, 87 NEBRASKA LAW REVIEW 747 (2009)

Michael Halper, The tax ramifications of catching home run baseballs, 59 CASE WESTERN RESERVE LAW REVIEW 191 (2008)

Casey A. Kovacic, The real BCS: black coach syndrome and the pursuit to become a college head football coach, 36 SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW 89 (2008)

T. Matthew Lockhart, The NCAA Should Adopt a Uniform Student-Athlete Discipline Policy, 16 UCLA ENTERTAINMENT LAW REVIEW 119 (2009)

Surina Mann, Note, C.B.C. Distribution and Marketing, Inc. v. Major League Baseball Advanced Media, L.P.: the First Amendment versus the right of publicity in the Eighth Circuit, 31 HASTINGS COMMUNICATION & ENTERTAINMENT LAW JOURNAL 303 (2009)

George T. Stiefel III, Comment, Hard ball, soft law in MLB: who died and made WADA the boss?, 56 BUFFALO LAW REVIEW 1225 (2008)

Patrick K. Thornton and Christopher James, Down two strikes, is Major League Baseball already out?: how the 8th Circuit balked to protect the right of publicity in C.B.C. v. MLB, Advanced Media, 50 SOUTH TEXAS LAW REVIEW 173 (2008)

Salvatore Vetrini, Comment, Balancing the individual and societal interests under the First Amendment: how the Eighth Circuit saved fantasy baseball [CBC v. MLBAM], 29 PACE LAW REVIEW 199 (2008)

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