In Our Own Little Worlds

I read a lot of blogs, some daily and some just popping in when I get a chance. This is one I read daily - sometimes twice.

I first went there when someone somewhere sent me there for instructions on a sewing matter, and I became a regular reader - just a lurker - I may have commented once about quilting - but mainly just reading. The writer is not in my generation but rather in the generation of my children, but I learn so much from her, not only in the crafty things but in her eye for beauty, her decorating sense, her humility, and most of all her sense of humor.

But the reason I'm referencing this blog today is because of today's entry - May 5 if the link doesn't take you straight there. It made me cry. Because there are such good and caring young people out there and because there are people who are just hanging on to life with sometimes no hope. I admire those who genuinely will help people like this, the homeless and the hopeless, without qestioning and judging.

I get so overwhelmed with my own problems and my lack of time that I just don't reach out to anyone. Physically. I give furniture and clothes to a mission and I pray for others - sometimes - but I hope I will pick myself up out of my lethargy and find some way to contribute my time and energy while I still have a little. I guess I'm waiting to be taken by the hand and shown what to do.

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