Recently we learnt that, in Scotland, as many as 40 'care workers' were involved in abusing children at a school for vulnerable youngsters, called Kerelaw Residential Unit. ('Up to 40 staff' abused ...)
According to a report published on 29 May 2009, more than 100 children have ‘died while in the care of Scots councils since 2000’
How could more than 100 children die in local authority care within such a short period?
Some of the children had ailments such as muscular dystrophy, cystic fibrosis and childhood cancers.
Between 2006 and 2008, the number of deaths recorded was 29.
7 of these deaths were due to suicide or acts described as being of "undetermined intent".
4 deaths were due to road accidents.
1 death was due to murder.
Quarriers Homes, Nazareth House and St Ninians in Scotland
In 2007, an independent report for the Scottish government found that there has been massive child abuse in Scottish care homes. (Scotland’s shame )
The Herald, 23 November 2007, provides the details (‘These are the voices that need to be heard’) :
"When she was nine - or thereabouts - she (Elizabeth McWilliams) was raped by the man Quarriers called her house father. 'He took his chance,' she said matter-of-factly.
"Some children complained of abuse. That had consequences. 'Boys,' she said. 'Well, they were hung up on door hangers and their penises tied to doorhandles.'"
Quarriers Homes is a Christian community.
Helen Holland was sent to Nazareth House in Kilmarnock, a children's home run by nuns.
At Nazareth House Helen was raped by a priest.
"When she was eight, a nun pulled a hood over her head to help a priest rape her. The sexual abuse went on for three years until, aged 11, she fell pregnant. The same nun kicked her in the stomach until she miscarried."
She was 'beaten to a pulp' by a nun.
There was abuse at many other homes (The landmark cases: abuse in children's homes )
At St Ninians: "In 2003 Michael Murphy, 69, formerly known as Brother Benedict, a monk with the de la Salle order, was jailed for two years on ten charges of physical abuse during the 1960s, including torturing pupils with an electric shock device, force-feeding them vomit and whipping them with knotted boot laces."
Satanic child abuse and the police
Cover-up of the Jersey-Portsmouth link?
The British security services, fascism and child abuse.
Corrupt Jersey policemen try to block Jersey child abuse and murder investigation.
Jersey child abuse link to Islington, London
Jason Swift; Islington children's home; hundreds of missing children
Torture and death of British children; the death of Gareth.
The 1999 child abuse scandal in Latvia
The Police Chief, the Judge and Child Abuse
'Jersey care home boss raped his own foster daughter'
Jersey; top people; a cover-up?
Child abuse
Bryn Estyn Boys' Home in North Wales
Child abuse at the Kincora boys' home
Jersey: the cover-up begins?
Jersey, Dutroux and cover-ups
Jersey - Channel TV names top people caught up in the child abuse scandal
Philip Martin Bailhache and Haut de la Garenne in Jersey
Dukes, Freemasons, Jersey...
Jersey victims
Child abuse in the UK: Jersey, Kincora, North Wales, Dunblane, Islington, Leicester, Quarriers Homes, Nazareth House, St Ninians, Coatbridge
Satanic child abuse and the police
Rapes and murders in Canadian boarding schools; thousands died.
Child abuse and murder in Canada
Jersey and famous people
The bin Laden links to the Channel Islands (Jersey and Guernsey)
Child abuse; Jersey; Kincora; North Wales; Dunblane
Satanic child abuse on Jersey.