A Nuclear Asia From End To End -- A Commentary

From Forbes Magazine:

What North Korea starts could weaponize the world.

On Tuesday, Chosun Ilbo, South Korea's most widely read newspaper, urged Seoul to build its own long-range missiles and atomic bombs. "North Korea claims its rationale for having nuclear weapons is to defend itself," the broadsheet editorialized. "South Korea too now requires a deterrent."

To build that deterrent, the South will first have to abrogate two global agreements, the Missile Technology Control Regime and the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. For years, these pacts, which prevented the dissemination of dangerous technologies, looked solid. Now, they could be on the verge of disintegrating.

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My Comment:If North Korea continues the production of nuclear materials and nuclear tests .... both South Korea and Japan will start to examine having their nuclear weapons program.

But it is Japan that will be the earthquake that will shake the entire continent. Japan is presently reviewing their military establishment and its guidelines for military engagement. What was unthinkable 20 years ago in Japan .... is now being publicly discussed .... much to the concern of its neighbors. If Japan decides to change the rules of engagement for their arm forces, coupled with nuclear arms .... this will result in a massive nuclear arms race in Asia.

The consequences should frighten us all.

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