Today, I have two. This lovely lady in the top photo had stopped to admire a stroller full of triplets at the Magic City Art Connection. She asked me why I wanted her picture, and I told her I loved the light and shadows from her hat. She was okay with that! ( I wish I had gone on to tell her how much I loved her sweet face.)
The gentleman below made an appearance the first week or so of my blog last year. Since I was hardly a blip on the radar at that point, I thought I'd bring him back for the rest of you to meet. He sells some mighty fine produce at the Pepper Place Market each Saturday. I took him a print of this photograph the next time I went. He declared himself a "star"! And he is indeed. I hope he'll be there with his tomatoes May 16th when they reopen.
CDPB around the world have some very creative takes on "shadows". You'll want to click the link below to see them all!