I'd love to own a pair of these shoes. That's probably an understatement. I'd take out any prospective shoe buyer standing between me and this pair of shoes using nothing but the bits and pieces of whatever flotsam lurks at the bottom of my handbag--pennies, used popsicle sticks (yes, my children view me as a walking trash receptacle), and dental floss. So, it will not surprise you that when I saw this pic, I snatched it up, drooled over it a bit, and then realize my covetous thoughts were turning in an entirely unexpected direction.
What if these shoes belonged to an elf queen?
What if they were magic shoes?
What if wearing these shoes would give a mortal the power to rule all Magical beings--at least until someone pried them off her feet?
And that, for me, is how a story is born. An image, a line from a song, a stray thought and my imagination is off and running. Which is why I think for writers (or artists of any kind) surrounding oneself with things that inspire us is important.
Collect pictures that spark your imagination. Open a file of quotes, poems, and phrases that captivate your mind. Keep everything that speaks to you because one day, a picture of a shoe could be the start of a best-selling series.
Now, off to discover where to buy these shoes...