A Culture of Corruption-Daniel Jordan Smith

Reviews of Daniel Jordan Smith's A Culture of Corruption Everyday Deception and Popular Discontent in Nigeria :
The heart of the book concerns how Nigerians cope daily with the need to 'settle' with those who hold power, but are also experiencing a breakdown of the system that at least allowed for survival. -- Nina C. Ayoub Chronicle of Higher Education [Smith's] book offers a sophisticated and deeply troubling portrait of a contemporary Nigeria. -- Nicolas van de Walle Foreign Affairs Smith has written a sharply critical, yet finely judged, book that every student of African politics should pay heed to. -- Ebenezer Obadare International Affairs [Smith's] primary concern is with the perception of corruption amongst Nigerians and the impact this perception has on the behavior of Nigerians. Anyone who is concerned with the discussion of corruption and how it relates to the development of African economies should read Smith's book-Amazon

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