A coincidence

Today was my day to steward the Exhibition I am part of at Lytham Heritage Centre.
It was very quiet with only one visitor until about 11.15 so I decided to pop out to buy something I needed.
I was away about 20 minutes . When I got back the other lady on duty said there had been 9 people in and there were two waiting for me to get back.
Look who they were!

Maggie and Clive Grey!
They hadn't known the exhibition was on, and had just been visiting relatives in Lytham as they were on their way to Rheged near Penrith, for the Northwest Regional day of the Embroiderers' Guild, where Maggie is giving a talk, and for which I have a ticket.
They saw the sign outside and just popped in for look.
What an amazing coincidence.
That it was on my day to steward too!

Here I have to say that Lytham is MILES from where they live and quite a few miles from where they were headed so you will appreciate the slim chance of us meeting.

I had been out to buy a canvas for a piece, and visited a new Art Gallery in Lytham run by a man who had a huge piece of work for sale with a print of a fish on it,when I say a print of a fish I don't mean a drawing of a fish rendered in print..I mean fish as printblock!
And bird too.
I wondered what happened to the fish? If he'd done some potato prints he could have made a fish and chip supper. (After he washed the ink off)
Just a minute I'll go and find his card and then I can link to his website so you can see ................................................................................................................................................................
..............................................footsteps disappearing ........................................ .................................. ............. ......................................................................................................................................................................
.............................................................coming back ........................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................
found it!
William Estlin Cummings

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